
LOW CARBON, LOW COST HOUSING: IS IT POSSIBLE? a Dutch answer from the field.

Presenter: Rein Buur
Date: Thrusday, May 31
Time: 11:30-12:30pm. Please join us for morning tea at 11.00am
Venue: CUSP Shed, CUSP Office, 3 Pakenhan Street, Fremantle

The financial crisis is hitting hard in Europe, especially affecting the building sector. Consumer confidence is low and lending criteria for home loans have become very strict. The economy is stagnating while the ambitions for sustainability are still high. One of the biggest challenges in the Netherlands is thus to make sustainable houses affordable.
Solutions are not only to be found through technological innovation, since most of the technology is already available. It is important to incorporate green technology into the design from the start. In addition, supply chain integration and applying Lean principles contribute to a more efficient building process. This can be achieved by offsite production, using BIM to reduce failure costs, and the willingness of companies to share knowledge and profit.  These ingredients are the key to create a budget for sustainable houses.
An example from the field is a residential project in Amsterdam (460 houses), called ‘Co-Green, Stadstuin Overtoom’. The focus of this project is more than low carbon low cost housing alone. Another aspect is closed-loop design, meaning that demolition material is re-used. Finally, the transition of a post-World War II suburb with social problems brings the challenge to create a better living environment.
All in all an interesting answer from the field to make cities more resilient.

About the presenter:
Rein Buur
Rein is an architect from the Netherlands. He has over 12 years experience in designing residential projects. First at KOW Architecture in The Hague, as senior architect responsible for the business unit residential buildings, and now working at Groosman Partners in Rotterdam. He is currently visiting Western Australia with his family, having a sabbatical leave.


rc said...

This just hit my inbox and I thought someone might be interested. I can't make it unfortunatly.

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